September 14, 2021

Vaccine Diversity: Disparities In Getting The Shot

While about three-quarters of adult Americans (73%) have received at least one COVID shot, there are wide disparities in vaccine status among demographic segments of the population. A recent CNN survey found the highest levels of vaccination among Democrats, college graduates and those over the age of 65 (all in the high 80% range). And, Republicans, non-college individuals and people under 35 were at the other end of the spectrum (low to mid-60% range). 

But, there were some other surprising results. For example, women (72%) are vaccinated at a slightly lower level than men (74%). And, the percentage of African-Americans who have at least one COVID shot stands at just 68%. Similarly, political independents show a vaccine rate of 68% as well—aligning them much closer to their Republican counterparts than to Democrats.

All of this suggests that "vaccine hesitancy" (for lack of a better term) is not as cut-and-dried as many have suspected. The variations in vaccine rates are far more nuanced than has been portrayed by some. Any public policy initiatives aimed at boosting vaccine rates (from Washington or state and local levels) need to be mindful of this dynamic. It can't just be "one message fits all".